Learning Materials
Resources and links to cybersecurity learning and self-education material to address a wide spectrum of audiences.
Cybersecurity touches everyone, not just people with the means to have their own computer or mobile-device. Cybersecurity learning materials need to be able to teach a wide audience of people with different levels of understanding and technology experience.
Beginner Learning
- StaySafeOnline: Mom Don't Click That! - youtube.com
- Protecting your family: How to keep your family secure from common cyber threats - cyber.gov.au
- ⚠️ Project Upskill: simple steps for high-risk communities to improve personal cybersecurity - cisa.gov
Staff Learning
- 👍🏽 StaySafeOnline: Collection of training and awareness videos for Staff and Employees - youtube.com
Classroom Learning
- Teaching Security: ready-made materials for classrooms - teachingsecurity.org
- Hacksplaining: Free and delightful educational material - hacksplaining.com
- HarvardX (Massive Open Online Course): CS50 Introduction to Cybersecurity - edx.org
- Khan Academy: Short lectures plus quiz-style questions for early stage cybersecurity learning - khanacademy.org
Business and Enterprise Learning
- University of the Philippines, Open University: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy - networks.upou.edu.ph
- Trend Micro Philippines: Secure Learning Webinar Series - youtube.com
- StaySafeOnline: CyberSecure My Business - youtube.com
- Cyberwardens: Small business cyber basics, guides and resources - cyberwardens.com.au
- NIST: Cybersecurity Framework Online Learning - nist.gov
- Center for Internet Security: CIS Controls - youtube.com (this covers v7, current version is v8)
- Center for Internet Security: Reasonable Cybersecurity Guide - cisecurity.org
Cybersecurity Practitioner Learning
- DEFCON Conference: Endless cybersecurity education talks since 1993 - youtube.com
- ROOTCON Conference: Philippines cybersecurity education talks - youtube.com
- John Hammond: Legendary cybersecurity education content producer - youtube.com
- Darknet Diaries: Excellent cybersecurity situation and discovery podcast by Jack Rhysider - youtube.com
- Risky Business: Excellent regular cybersecurity podcast - risky.biz
Cybersecurity Engineer Learning
- 💥 picoCTF: Excellent and free online cybersecurity learning from Carnegie Mellon University - picoctf.org
- Awesome Bugbounty Writeups: A curated list of bugbounty writeups - github.com/devanshbatham
- European Union Agency for Cybersecurity: Training Resources - enisa.europa.eu
- HackerOne: Technical security learning and education playlists - youtube.com
- Exploit.education: Learn vulnerability analysis, software debugging, binary analysis - exploit.education
- HackerOne: Hacker101 For Newcomers - youtube.com
- Open Security Training: Free deep-technical security - opensecuritytraining.info (requires registration)
- PortSwigger: Free online web security training and hands-on labs - portswigger.net (requires registration)
Do you have links to more quality cybersecurity learning and education resources that should be listed here? Please send us an email at [email protected] to have them added.